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多謝您選用 GLO Travel Limited (旅行代理商牌照號:354384) 。您在報名/購買我們的任何旅遊服務 (如下) 的同時同意接受本條款及細則的約束。請在提交報名表/訂單之前仔細閱讀以下條款及細則。

Thank you for choosing GLO Travel Limited (Travel Agent Licence No. 354384). You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions upon enrolment for/purchase of any of our Tours and Services (as below). Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before you submit the Enrolment Form to/make bookings with us.


  1. 您明白及同意 GLO Travel Limited 可收集您的個人資料,例如姓名、身份證或旅遊證件號碼、聯絡方式以用作申請相關旅行團及提供服務之用,及以上個人資料有可能被提供予 GLO Travel Limited 之商業合作夥伴及/或其附屬公司用作以上用途。
  2. 您有權電郵至 [email protected] 聯絡 GLO Travel Limited 個人資料保護主任並要求查察及更改任何 GLO Travel Limited 持有的您的個人資料。

Personal Data Privacy

  1. You understand and agree that GLO Travel Limited may collect your personal data such as name, identification/travel documents’ numbers, contact information for the purposes of the application for the Tour and the provision of Travel Services, and that the personal data may be transferred to the business partners and/or associated companies of GLO Travel Limited for the said purpose.
  2. You have the right to request access to and correction of any of my personal data held by GLO Travel Limited by contacting its data protection officer at [email protected].